Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hair Cuts & Christmas Party

Last week I got my hair cut and highlights taken out, so Monday Krimson wanted her hair cut too!! I've only trimmed her hair once in her whole life, so this was a big cut for us. I was excited about it though and love the results! We took a few pictures of ourselves to remember...

Krimson's Christmas party was today at her school. Here she is with Brek (he was in her MDO class last year and they are good buddies) waiting for Santa Claus to call their name to come get their present from him!!
Krimson was VERY excited to sit with Santa!!!
Can you tell she's happy!! I don't know how many times she gave him was priceless!!
Krimson's class tried to get a group can see how well that went! This was the best one I got, maybe someone else did better.
Krimson eating the snacks at her Christmas party! Eden walked around and tired to get food off every one's plate. You'd think I didn't feed the girl.
Here's Krimson opening her gifts from her friends. Ms. Carrie made the cute bag with her name on it. I love it!!!
Krimson and Mrs. Carrie!! We had a fun day!!!


Amanda said...

Krimson's hair looks adorable. So sweet that she wants to look like her mama!

Anonymous said...

I like the dark hair, Karie!! (I heard what Dad said!) Good job on Krimson's hair, too...took me back to haircuts with Mom! Enjoy your time with family the next few weeks! Love to you all!