Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like?

Christmas is coming, but first the goose must get fat!! Peanut Butter Balls were requested for the Fouts Family Thanksgiving, so me, Adam, & Krimson got busy. We made our first batch of pb balls today and we'll make the second batch in the next few days. We don't want to run out this year...!!!
Krimson sitting on the ladder wishing she was on the roof with the boys. When I boosted her up so she could see them she decided the ladder was where she would rather stay!!
The boys putting up the lights on the house! They were so excited! It started to rain so we will have to finish tomorrow!!

Working hard...more pictures to come!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am missing the chocolate peanut butter balls. Sorry I didn't make the video, I was exhausted that last night from the week! Hope you are feeling better and tell Marc to give me a call.