Better late than never :)....The boys started school August 17th. They were 1/2 ready and 1/2 not. We hit the ground running with them because they both started football this year and it started this week too. Adam is in 3rd grade and Jude is in 1st. Adam jumped right in to homework and reading. Jude is not so pumped about homework, but he does it well once I get him to do it. It's going to be a GREAT year!!
Krimson started school August 22. She is going to The Children's garden this year. She's doing pre-k 4 as a 5 year old. She was SO excited to go to the school that the boys did at this age. She goes and comes from school every day VERY excited!! She is eager to learn and shares everything with me.
Peace Out!! September 8th Eden got her turn!!! She's been asking since Krimson went to school. Eden started WEE school this year and she is in the pre-k 3 class. The first day I think she hugged her teacher like 10 times :) This week is her first full week and she couldn't be more excited! Her teacher, Mrs. Angie, gave her a folder for her papers and she wanted to show everyone that first day. If she gets this excited about her folder this year is going to be REALLY exciting!!
Blessings on EVERYONE as this school year is officially kicked-off and Blessings on my sweet Fager kids as you change the world every day!!!
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