Thursday, April 1, 2010

FOURTH Easter Egg Hunt

First off, Eden Beth has been very interested in the Potty! About 2 weeks ago she pottied and pooped on the potty and we all got very excited for she's interested in trying ALL the time. I haven't been pushing it, but if she asks I put her on the pot. Especially when we are outside!! She gets to walk around with big girl panties (not sure what she thinks of that, but we try to make a big deal about it!) when we are outside and sits all the time. She's only gone that one time, but we are very excited about her interest in the whole process!!
80 degrees weather this whole week!!! That calls for picnics in the fort, and since we are moving to a new home in May we've got to enjoy our fort while we got it!! Here are the kiddos yesterday enjoying some ice cream!!

Adam had his Easter egg hunt at school today! It was a little disappointing b/c there was nothing in the eggs that the kids hunted. Not sure why, but he made the best of it! Here is Adam with on of his buddies, Peyton.
All of the 4 first grade classes at George Welch getting ready to go get eggs!
Adam's first grade class!
The first grade classes at Adam's school had an Easter egg decorating contest. Here was Adam's creation! Hulk with an egg head...oxy-moron? He did a great job!!

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