Well...Marc pulled off one of the BEST surprises of all time!! 2 weeks ago he drives me out into the middle of no-where Louisiana and had me guessing what I thought we were going to do. Let's just say I wouldn't have...We drove down a dead end road and pulled into what I thought was a barn and then look up and saw this sign...
OH YEAH!!! A Dream come true!!! I have always wanted to skydive, but resolved that it may never happen. Well, I obviously didn't know my husband well enough! Not only did he make it happen, but it was near Shreveport, LA, the weather was perfect (which speaking for LA that's a lot), and the place was beautiful!HEY! I'm 34 now and about to jump out of a plane at 10,00o feet, free falling at 125 miles per hour...who needs to look good!!
Here is the plane that took me, Bill (the professional skydiver that I was strapped to), and a pilot up!! Our runway/landing was the grass you see under the plane.
Here is the one seat inside the plane (for the pilot) and I sat on the floor next to him with my back to the front of the plane. The door that slid down beside me was completely clear. I was sitting, what felt like, on the edge of the plane and when it was time this is where we jumped out!
Here we are taking off...
We made it!! Me and Bill after the jump!! What a day...what an experience. He videoed it and I can't wait to get it in the mail. Thanks MARC...the BEST husband this skydiver could ever ask for!!